Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Two Wheel

  I'm not sure if anyone else uses the term "two wheel" to refer to their Vespa, but that is what makes sense to me. I purchased my first one from a coworker in 2006 and never looked back. I love old cars and just after Laura and I got married, I wanted to get a project car to work on. Quickly I realized I didn't have the space, money, tools or realistically the knowledge to take on a car. Somehow I came across scooters and mopeds and when my friend at work offered to sell me his old Vespa, I jumped. 
So why do I love Vespas? I could tell you all about the elegant design of not only the body and esthetics, but the engine and transmission. I could tout the fuel efficiency in our age of rising fuel cost (60-100 mpg depending on engine and riding style). Using a scooter for normal life requires efficient grocery lists, traveling sans freeways ands forces you to make the most of every mile on the road. How about the less waste from tires (two small ones opposed to 4 big ones), engine oil (a quart will last you all year), spark plugs (1 vs. 8), and so on. More scooters and less cars equals less traffic gridlock. The engines are so basic that they are roadside repairable by even novice mechanics. All of these are great attributes of scooters and more specifically vintage Vespas, but most of all.... they are a blast to ride!
Given the state of our automobile industry, the rising cost of gas, and the realization that we must start conserving it (for the environment and because it will dry up) maybe we can learn a little from those goofy little two wheels I love so much. And in the process maybe people will enjoy their travels a little more. 
This video is about 3 minutes and tells the basic story of the Vespa. It's worth a watch.

1 comment:

Lee said...

So...for those of you who don't know I'm Brian's Dad. For my birthday last March Brian gave me a rebuilt 1978 Vespa P125X. We had talked of doing a "project" together but never seemed to get there...he was was I. Little did I know that he was busy with my scoot! Without a doubt it is GREAT FUN to ride. Brian and I have charged around his area of Sac and I now have the scoot at home. It's a great machine. Brian did a tremendous job of restoring it. I wish I knew how to attach a picture of it here because it's great looking. Everybody who sees it comments on how sharp it is. Thanks Brian...I love my scoot!