Thursday, June 25, 2009

What Next....

To add another rule to the list, "No apologizing for time lapses between blog posts". Yea it's been a week or so, but I was on vacation, and even if I wasn't I'm not going to be sorry for having my time taken up with... well you know.

There are quite a few things that I want to write about, but I can't quite decide which will be first. In an effort to procrastinate and mull over in my mind what will be next, here are some topics to watch out for in the next... well who knows how long it will take to get them posted, but I won't apologize if it takes while.

"Top 5 ROCK! albums of all time." Probably already done a million times over but I've got my take on it too

"The English language SUCKS!" Fairly self explanatory I think.

"A new scooter in more ways than one." My next two wheel project. New (to me) scoot, and new (to me) kind of scoot (Lambretta!)

"To eat meat or not to eat meat?"

"Digital TV for all, Healthcare for some"

"I heart CD's"

That is what is looming out there on the radar, so keep your interweb travels poised for developments.

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