Tuesday, May 26, 2009

As if I don't have enough going on...

... here goes one more thing! The idea of having a blog has been appealing for a while, but oddly enough (or not really oddly at all) I felt a bit unfocused or inspired as to what my blog would be about. Don't fret! I've got lots I'd like to say and tell people about, but there never seemed to be a great common thread. So I'll use the "I don't have a gimmick," as my.... well you get the picture. So expect to read about the following (but not limited to nor required),
Church, Politics, Sports (now that I've got the big three work no-no's covered) Vintage Scooters, Booze, Family, Dirt (more specifically the things that grow in it), Food, Old Stuff (vintage if you must), Music, Tech Junk, Fire Department Life, Education and what ever else I think you might enjoy.



1 comment:

Monte said...

looking forward to the dirt!